Keranamu saudaraku...

07 May 2011

Reminder to all muslimin and muslimah

by Tieka AQuelarh on Sunday, April 24, 2011 at 6:35pm

we will die..

the more we are talked the greatness of God,
hence the greatness of God into our hearts
the more we are talk about hate,
there will be more hatred into our hearts
we would prefer the greatness of God to our world and the hereafter
let we are together get closer to God

dont forget to do prayer

because.. we will not be returned to the world as we enter the grave of darkness!!
that time we languish because far from God!
away from obedience to God
regret that moment did not really useful..

Handsome, beauty, beauty of the body(muscle) that often we  proud..,,
all that will be soil..
worm- eating  in the soil..
be sliced eaten by animals in the soil!
ate it with hungrily!
and where the beauty, elegance, smooth skin that we always expose and  proud will help we in the grave?
no, not at all!!
because only the charity God will help us
we can never pay with  wealth, good looks, and beuty
from a painful torment of the grave!
no way!
just our  obedience with god can help us..

death is only Allah knows
could have a second
the next hour ..
or if God wants it
no one will make sure

but not significant when we remembered dead then we  neglect world
no way!
This world we have to fulfill its rights
we have to find decent income..

Let us perform a duty as a Muslim
invite each other to the goodness
read Al Quran and practice
perform the Sunnah of the Prophet with a good intention and method


everything the rules in Islam is for the common good
nothing heavy, if we seriously to get closer to God by doing our duty as Muslims

if we're assuming everything our welfare as unimportant, it will feel heavy!
but if we regard it as important and make it part of our lives and is the main,
InsyaAllah we can conduct with a sincere heart..
May Allah bless our deeds
our love for God forever

May Allah facilitate our world and hereafter

jazakumullahu khoir

(refer from :learn the ethics in the Sunnah of the Prophet)

Jzkk to Ika...

Al-FATIHAH juga buat Allahyarham Awang Latif , Pen Peg Tadbir Sekolah Kejuruteraan Dan Teknologi Maklumat,Uni Msia Sabah

Terasa kosong pejabat am SKTM ketika kami menghantar tesis untuk Projek 2...Selalunya allahyarham yang mesra menegur kami dan membantu kami menyelesaikan urusan tersebut.

Rindu dengan wajah itu...

Semester terakhirku di SKTM dengan berita yang mengejutkan...

Moga ahli keluarga Encik Latif terus tabah dengan ujian ini..

Moga roh beliau dicucuri rahmat dan ditempatkan dengan orang-orang yang beriman.
